Tooth loss can occur suddenly after an accident or as a result of a serious dental condition. In either case, you might struggle with your usual oral functions if you have missing teeth. And gaps in your smile may leave you with a blow to your self-esteem.
Many people do not realize that missing teeth may mean you suffer from further oral health problems as well. If you do not seek tooth replacement treatment from your dentist, you could see a deterioration in the health of your jawbone.
Your dentist can help you protect your jawbone if you lose one or more teeth when you schedule a restorative dental consultation. Learn details about how to protect the health of your jaw in the wake of tooth loss when you read on.
What Happens to the Jaw After Tooth Loss?
A healthy dental patient has a full set of teeth, and each tooth features a root that extends below the gumline to reach the jawbone. The presence of the tooth’s root stimulates the bone, keeping it vital and strong.
If a patient loses a tooth, the jaw will no longer receive stimulation. In the absence of the tooth’s root, the jawbone can start to deteriorate.
Bone loss in the jaw will look visible in the facial structure. You can see shrinkage in the face, and the skin around the jaw will start to sag. Plus, the remaining teeth will shift out of place, putting you in danger of further dental problems.
How Do Dental Implants Preserve the Jawbone?
You cannot stop the jawbone loss that can occur if you have missing teeth on your own. You will need a dentist to help you replace missing teeth, which should include the tooth root. For maximum restorative dental benefits, you will want to try implant dentistry.
The dental implant features a titanium post anchor that a dentist inserts into the jaw. The anchor fuses with the jawbone to provide a solid foundation for the prosthetic teeth. But the anchor also serves as a replacement for the missing tooth’s root.
The jaw can receive stimulation again, stopping it from degenerating. This will preserve your face shape while also allowing you to restore your smile’s aesthetics, health, and function.
Am I Eligible for Implant Dentistry?
Although the benefits of dental implants seem clear, not all patients will be eligible to receive this type of tooth replacement treatment. Implants rely on the successful fusion of the anchor with the jawbone. If you suffer too much bone loss due to missing teeth, then you cannot support the implant.
A dentist will evaluate your jawbone structure through x-ray imaging to ensure you have enough healthy bone and tissue to sustain an implant. Your dentist might suggest a bone graft to add stability to a weak jaw that can support an implant after your recovery. Learn more about the advantages of dental implants as the implant procedure when you give your dentist a call.